Classes and Workshops

Peaceful Heart Parenting Class 

Enjoy the journey more with  connection and relationship as your focus

Join us to laugh and maybe cry about the insanely difficult job this parenting gig is!  This class will focus on connection, support and good relationship skills.  I am not an expert, nor will I ever claim to be.  

Parenting is incredibly personal.  We all have our world views and values that we want to share with our kids, and we are all healing from the hurts from our own childhood that pop back up with our own kids.  You are the expert on your journey, the unique beauty that is your own kid! 

What I can help with though, is how on earth to communicate with these cute little monsters (who we love more than the world itself).  I know the minds and hearts of littles, and I've spent 20 years studying the inner working of humans.  So I can help you with enhancing your relationship, connection, attunement and your natural intuition with your child(ren).  We will think together about ways your unique relationship with your child could be enhanced by listening, understanding the way young people communicate with us, and learning some tools that may have an influence on how much ease and joy you can find day to day with your child.  

My guidance will stem from my deep knowledge of working with children for 20 years, raising my own two kids (hardest job yet) yoga, mindfulness, non-violent communication, possibility management (energy and relationship dynamics, such as staying in one's center, playing roles like victim) and hand in hand parenting. 

Designed for parents of children ages approximately 1 - 6


You can sign up on the registration form below if you're interested in the next class, and I won't collect payment until a class runs. 

We may potentially run a half day workshop in June, otherwise the next class series will start in October, 2024. 


For a 6 week class:  self determined sliding fee scale of $90 - $120 per family 


For parents only, no children at this one please.  Same price for one or both parents. 

Pre-Registration required.  

Please fill out this quick form and submit payment:

Peaceful Heart Parenting Class Registration Form

Parent Yoga & Mindfulness

This is a class for us as parents to breathe, move, take care of ourselves and be in community, AND your child attends with you!  

Half of the space is a yoga floor and the other half is a preschool, so children can join our practice or play.  You can get a little yoga in, settle your nervous system and learn some ways you can practice yoga at home with your kids.  It will be a little busier of course than a typical yoga class, but it will reflect the daily life of a parent, so that you can practice, in real time, staying centered and taking care of yourself EVEN while your child is with you - because they're with us a lot.  :) 

Kids of all ages are welcome.  Babies napping, nursing and fussing.  Toddlers clinging, nursing and attempting to play with other kids.  Older kids who want to do yoga with us, read, draw or play. 

Next one TBD

Family Yoga & Mindfulness

A Class for Connection

Ages 5 - 10 (approx.) with a grown-up

Settle into some quality time with your child while gaining some yoga & mindfulness tools!   We will explore yoga postures, yoga breaths, partner poses, accessible (and enjoyable!) meditation practices and  emotional & connection tools.  We will laugh, play, connect, stretch, be challenged and rest as an anecdote to the busy-ness and multitasking of life. 

Yoga can help with confidence, coordination, sports agility, immune system functioning, sleep, mental health, relationships, and much more.    Learning alongside your child, you can find authentic ways to weave these tools into your daily life.  




Single class:  Self determined sliding fee scale of $16 and $22 per adult/child pair

Package of 3 classes to be used when you want:  $42 - $60

Whole series (6 classes):  $80 - $115

*** Pricing is for one child & one adult. For each extra member of your family, add approximately 1/3 of your chosen price for each child. An example: A family of 2 adults & 2 kids choose to pay $100 for the whole series, so they should add $33 for the sibling and $33 for the second grownup for a total of $166. 


Pre-registration required.  Registration form will be out soon!



Contact Jess for more information and to set up an appointment! 

Private Sessions

Schedule a private or group session to delve deeper into your yoga practice.